
We are sharing this update from ACCA, our professional body, for the interest of clients and contacts. The content is (c) ACCA

Four-month extension available to taxpayers

Taxpayers now have until the end of July to make additional National Insurance contributions to raise their state pension entitlements – an additional four months. This comes after concerns were raised over the previous deadline of 5 April 2023.

To offer taxpayers more time to fill in any gaps in their National Insurance record and improve the amount they get in their state pension, the government has extended the voluntary National Insurance deadline by four months to 31 July 2023.

Additionally, they can top off their accounts at the reduced rates for the 2022/23 tax year.

This applies to years up to and including the 2016/17 tax year that would have otherwise run out of time to pay after 5 April 2023. Up to 31 July 2023, all voluntary NIC contributions will be accepted at the current rates for 2022/23.

There is now extra time for anyone with gaps in their National Insurance record dating back to April 2006 to determine whether to close the gaps to increase their new state pension.

Taxpayers have been permitted to make voluntary payments to any incomplete years in their National Insurance record that fell between April 2006 and April 2016 as part of transitional arrangements to the new state pension, helping to improve the amount they receive when they retire.

On GOV.UK, eligible taxpayers can learn how to check their National Insurance record, get a forecast of their state pension, decide whether or not to make a voluntary National Insurance contribution for themselves and their pension, and learn how to make a payment.

Taxpayers can use their Personal Tax Account or the HMRC app to check their National Insurance record.