Join Us

If you would like to join us as a client for ongoing accounting and taxation services, then this page has all the information you need.

This page is tailored to our Yoga Tax business for Yoga Teachers and Studios, Pilaties Teachers, Therapists and others in the Holistic and Mind Body world.  For other business sectors, including Personal Tax clients and businesses local to us on the Isle of Wight, please visit the Join Us Section of our Parent Whitefield Tax.

Please be aware that we cannot offer professional advice until we have satisfactory identification and a signed Service Level Agreement.


Ongoing Accounting and Taxation

First – a big thank you for putting your trust in us.

Secondly – what do we charge?  Well see our Fees and Services section for that.

Third – what do we need?  To start with:

Once we have these, we will set your file with us up, run through a check-list, and be in touch regarding:

  • Any other information we need
  • Contacting an existing accountant if there is one
  • Dealing with any immediate issues
  • Confirming our fee quote, and letting you have a Service Level Agreement

You will be looked after by one of our Managers, giving you a named Contact in our firm.  Our Principal Jessica, a Yoga Teacher and Yoga Studio owner as well as Accountant, is in the background if needed.

Please be aware we cannot provide professional services until we have satisfactory identification and a signed Service Level Agreement.

So, if you are ready to go, please start with the Registration Form.

If you need to get this years tax and accounts records to us, then Here is a Guide to the Process – we ask clients to get tax records to us by end of September each year, but there is normally some flexibility on this, especially if you are joining us as a new client.

If you have queries or need to talk to us, then get in touch via Phone or Email – email is normally best.  We can also arrange a Video Conference over Zoom if there are things to discuss.


One Off Advice and Consulting

If you are seeking one off advice, then please: