We are sharing this update from ACCA, our professional body, for the interest of clients and contacts. The content is (c) ACCA

Enhance your cyber security, with London’s Metropolitan Police

Apart from investigating crime and bringing criminals to justice the Metropolitan Police Service has a duty to protect the communities and businesses of London.

This includes the cyber-space. Its Cyber Crime’s Protect team is focused on spreading cyber security awareness to Londoners to help them be better protected against cyber criminals in the first place.

This is achieved through presentations on cyber-scams and latest cyber threats, running of interactive, gamified learning exercises and other services in order to ensure individuals and businesses are aware of the ever-changing cyber-threat landscape and how to stay safe online whilst keeping their company, community and their data secure from compromise.

Menu of services

  • Staff awareness presentations – a bespoke presentation that provides essential tips,
  • tricks and advice for your organisation and staff to be safer online
  • Vulnerability scanning (systems analysis) – specialist software to assess your public-facing website, and provide you a report highlighting any known vulnerabilities. We also offer Cyber Alarm
  • Exercise in a box (incident response planning) – the National Cyber Security Centre’s table top discussion-based exercise. The Protect Team ensure a full, in depth discussion to allow you to practice your incident responses in a safe environment. Multiple scenarios are available
  • Decisions and disruptions Lego exercise (cyber infrastructure and incident response planning) – a Lego-based table top exercise designed for decision makers to explore the importance of cyber security. The exercise is designed to encourage consideration of your infrastructure and response plans
  • Cyber escape room (staff awareness exercise) – an interactive cyber-security exercise to deliver key messaging to staff through fun exercises, promoting good cyber behaviour and preventing you from becoming the next victim of a cyber-attack.

All of these services are free of charge and available virtually and in person.

Find out more.

All services are free and can be delivered in person or online by its expert team of police constables. If you live or work in London and want to receive more information or discuss the menu of services, please contact [email protected].

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