Budget 2024: Non-dom status to be abolished

We are sharing this update from ACCA, our professional body, for the interest of clients and contacts. The content is (c) ACCA New residency-based system to be introduced from April 2025 The government will abolish the remittance basis of taxation for non-UK domiciled...

Brushing up on pension contributions

We are sharing this update from ACCA, our professional body, for the interest of clients and contacts. The content is (c) ACCA Get your end-of-year planning in place Provided that a contribution to a registered pension scheme meets the test of ‘wholly and exclusively...

Personal allowance claims for non-residents

We are sharing this update from ACCA, our professional body, for the interest of clients and contacts. The content is (c) ACCA Guidance around thresholds and eligibility to Personal Allowances for Non Residents rental income savings interest wages. If you’re eligible...