This Content Was Last Updated on June 9, 2020 by Jessica Garbett


For our latest Covid 19 information please visit this link
For the latest on HM Government support for Covid-19 visit this link

The world seems a little bit crazy in the last day or two doesn’t it?

I’ve reluctantly closed my two yoga studios today, and like many will be looking at moving classes online for a while or, maybe, if the weather gods allow, running an open air class.  My Yoga Therapy practice is largely suspended.

A few things:

Our Services

Most of our staff work from home, so we are geared up for distancing and isolation.  For the most part our service will be continuing as usual.

However whilst our reception will remain open, please only visit us if urgent – post or email is better – and observe any requested sanitisation procedures.

Our Website

Due to the late budget this year, and the distractions around Covid-19 please be aware we are running a little later than usual with post budget and annual tax year website updates.  Specifically

  • Rates and allowances are out of date
  • The IR35 section of the website needs a significant overhaul for the post April 2020 regime

We hope to be completed on this by the end of the month.

Sick Pay and Support for Business

We included some guidance on Sick Pay changes and support for business, including:

  • Changes to Statutory Sick Pay
  • Options for the Self Employed around Universal Credit and Employment Support Allowance

in our last newsletter – read them here

There has been some interest in the Governments £3,000 grant to small businesses.  Here is what we know:

  • Applies to small businesses with premises subject to business rates and eligible for Small Business Rate Relief (broadly, Rateable Value below £12,000 so not paying rates)
  • Being administered by local councils who have not had money or guidance from central government yet

Unfortunately the indications are if you don’t have business premises you will not be eligible for this grant.

Our Services

To help our clients out:

  1. We will suspend our normal “late presentation surcharge” for 2019-20 accounts and returns (normally applies to anything received after end September 2020)
  2. If you normally bring your accounts and taxes into us in April / May time but are worried about paying our fee, we will consider deferring our fees so you can still get your accounts and taxes processed on time
  3. If you normally send your accounts and taxes in later in the year, but would benefit from getting them done earlier this year, either as you have time on your hands and would like to crack on, or because you would like visibility on 2019-20 taxes, then again we can consider a fee deferral hence 2 and 3
  4. Keeping work flow moving is important for us – we will experience service issues if everything is deferred to later in the year
  5. re 2 and 3 – please bear in mind we are a small business, with the same pressures as anyone else, so we will have to consider this case by case and agree the arrangements in each instance.  We cannot afford a large hit to our cashflow or bad debt exposure, but we will do what we can.

If we can help further at this tricky time, please let us know.

I will be available for a call or email if you need to discuss the circumstances of your yoga business over coming months – just hit reply.

Jessica Garbett