Many people end up with employments / jobs or other businesses along side Yoga Teaching. Maybe by choice, maybe by circumstance.
Multiple Businesses
If you have other businesses then the tax regime is similar to that for Yoga Teaching, but do remember each business has its own peculiarities. If your business is similar to Yoga, eg Pilaties, Massage, Reiki, Healing, then you can combine both businesses in one set of accounts and self employment supplement to your Self Assessment. If the businesses are very different, eg you run a shop as well as teaching Yoga, then you will likely need a separate set of accounts and Self Assessment entry for each business.
If you have a number of businesses then be aware that the VAT Threshold is aggregated across the combined turnover of them all if they are under common ownership – this catches a lot of people out. In many cases separate entities are better for each business as,, in principle, that gives access to separate VAT thresholds.
Combing Self Employment and Employment
If you have a job, or jobs, along side teaching Yoga, then for Income Tax both employed and self employed income gets combined in your Self Assessment and taxed jointly. Other than that there are no real complications on combining a job with self employment as a Yoga Teacher. Remember all income, employed and self employed, needs to go on to your Self Assessment
See our Guide to Tax and NI where You are Employed and Self Employed
See our Case Studies on Taxes for a Yoga Teacher
Some gyms and studios, local authorities etc, insist on employing teachers under PAYE – this counts as a employment (see our Guide to Employment Status). This means if you so some classes on PAYE in a gym/studio, and some of your own classes, then you have to treat each income stream separately on your Self Assessment – just the same as the proceeding paragraph.